Archive for the ‘Altered States of Consciousness’ Tag

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Spirit Chronicles. Spirit Chronicles page on the Haven International site.

Haven Spirituality   Leave a comment

Haven Spirituality. Follow this link to see the amazing spiritual way of life that Haven Spiritual Sanctuary is creating. Haven International helps produce Spirit Chronicles and contributing to Haven Int. is a wonderful way to support Spirit Chronicles directly.

Science in the Supernatural: Part 2. Dec. 21st 2012   1 comment

This is a continuation of my Science in the Supernatural series specifically surrounding the topics of 2012, December 21st and other topics surrounding the idea of the Earth ending as we know it and beginning a new in some way.

Planet X or Nibiru: Twin Suns


Does the 10th planet exist?

Yes. It is coming? Yes.

Does it contain reptilian lifeforms bent on world domination called the Anunnaki? Not Likely! One should always be Prepared though.

In the Article ‘Count down to Planet X” they give us specific things to look for ourselves in the sky.

Two Suns in the sky. Especially when you are in flight. Pictures have been taken of the planet above the Chemtrail layer.

Don’t try to get the ‘next great shot’ simply Observe, record and Share your data. It is about statistical significance not individual success as the articles imply’s. Disinformation is everywhere out their and cellphone video and pictures by themselves will never withstand scrutiny. What we look for is the Amount of cellphone pictures out there. When this preponderance of evidence is gathered. THAT ladies and gentlemen is your next puzzle piece. It is the mass amount of evidence collected that will prove your point. That can also be said about paranormal investigation in general. Stop trying to get that money shot and observe, record and write about what you and your team have experienced. Then make it available publicly., 24-Mar-2009

Observing Planet X / Nibiru


 Since we published Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide in July 2007, we’ve received           numerous Planet X sighting reports. What was once a sporadic trickle has become a daily stream.

We know that folks are trying to be helpful, and while many of these reports are remarkable, they invariably show something other than the Sun‘s dark companion.

This article went on to give us clear sightings by 2 credible observers. I’ll provide a link to the article below.

This Planet X observation along side of the sun seems to lead to other theories of December 21st when Nibiru is seen and it’s gravitational effects as well as the added gravitational effects of the slightly aligned planets of our solar system and coming into alignment with the center of the darkest part of the Milky Way Galaxy unfolds we are lead to the next theory.

Read more about this later.

Polar Shift

Edgar Cayce has to be one of the most noteable and noteworthy psychics of the 20th century. He has made incredible predictions from individual illness to libraries found under the Sphynx paw and finally a massive polar shift on the planet that will move us around so much the city of Atlantis will finally be exposed. There is no doubt that he was good at what he did and folks if you didn’t know. He did it in his sleep and retained no knowledge of it happening.

Do I personally think the entire earth will shift on it’s Axis when all this gravitational effect takes place? No not to that extreme. You never know though.

Read more about this later.

Crop Circles as Messages?

Stay Tuned…

The Alien Connection

Stay Tuned…

DNA Upload

Stay Tuned…


Science in the Supernatural Series: Part 1 Solar Activity   1 comment

This article will be presented in more than 1 part and available as a Pod-Cast.

I was recently reading an article in the 2013 Farmer Almanac “When the Sun Takes a Vacation”. It prompted me to talk and share some of my own thoughts in general about scientific theories surrounding many preternatural or paranormal beliefs as most call it. Beliefs that can or are being backed up by science fact.

Dec. 21st, 2012 is a very sore and exciting date for many of us. We have heard opinions ranging far and wide. The call has been put out to treat each other is a brotherly way, pack our stuff and close our bank accounts, be prepared for days of darkness and get our binoculars out and cameras for a stellar cosmic event. Many of these theories are simply that theories and it all goes back to the Mayan Calendar it seems, a calender they did not create… but did fully develop. We know somewhere in the back of our minds that this calendar IS a puzzle piece to what is going on in our world. Ancient civilizations were not complete backwards savages as they are often depicted. mayan-calendar

Lets take the Mayans for instance…

  • Known for having the only known fully written language of the Pre-Columbian Americans containing thousands of glyphs that have a slight resembelance to Egyptian Heiroglyphics. Dating back to 200-300 BC, according to the earliest inscriptions found.
  • Makers of Complicated Art
  • Architectural knowledge beyond some of the things we do today. They moved giant rocks without cranes into intricate designs using a method of stonework that did not include mortar and could withstand earthquakes or other major natural disasters. This same type of design is seen across the globe from Machu Picchu to Easter Island and Egypt a style of ancient architecture that spans the entire world. They did it without draft animals, without 1,000 of ‘slaves’ as some Egyptology have claimed for the pyramids and to this day… Science has not given us an answer how they accomplished it.
  • Advanced Mathematics that used a base 20 and 5 numbering system. The concept of zero had been found as far back as 36 BC. “Inscriptions show them on occasion working with sums up to the hundreds of millions and dates so large it  ould take several lines just to represent it.”mayan.observ.
  • Known also for their astronomy, especially interested in the Moon and Venus.  “They produced extremely accurate astronomical observations; their charts of the movements of the moon and planets are equal or superior to those of any other civilization working from naked eye observation.” This was aided by structures called ‘Observatories’ often dedicated to Kukulcan, the plumed serpent to preform these calculations. Architectural knowledge and skill comes in again having created doorways that perfectly line up with cosmic occurrences. I wonder what doorway will be lining up for Dec. 21st, 2012. “The
  • Maya were very interested in zenial passages, the time when the sun passes directly overhead. The latitude of most of their cities being below the Tropic of Cancer, these zenial passages would occur twice a year equidistant from the solstice.”  To represent this position of the sun overhead, the Maya had a god named Diving God.” This is most easily seen at the Pyramid of Kukulkan, called Chichen Itza dedicated to the Mayan’s chief Deity that some claim is a calendar itself having 365 steps to the top representing the days of the year, each of the 9 levels representing the 18 months of their year and 52 panels that represent the number of years it takes to go all the way around.
  • chichen-itza-equinox (Remember their Mathematics are based on 20 and 5…) At the Spring and Fall Equinoxes March 21st and September 22nd this pyramid expresses Exactly what the Mayans are capable of doing with their astronomical calculations….
    The sun late in the afternoon causes a pattern on the side of the pyramid that looks like an undulating serpent. This occurrence lines up exactly with the massive stone carvings of serpent heads, suggesting a massive serpent snaking it’s way down the steps.

The Mayans were NOT backward savages bent on calculating world destruction or in anyway uneducated people that took a swing at the dark on a possible date. Now were they?

So that brings us full circle back to the significance of the date and a little more science behind it that involves the Sun.

“Little Ice Age”

Back to the Farmers Almanac on Solar Activity and how this all ties in. The Mayans calculated the sun using there naked eye and architecture to ensure calculations were perfect, we are clear about that. What the Mayans observed with the sun that astronomers, or solar scientists observe today with sun cycles. At the moment we are in the 24th cycle of the sun and it is reaching it’s maximum height in a quiet cycle. That sounds great right? Disaster averted we are safe!


NO… according to solar scientists ‘the only thing  scarier than the sun reaching a high peak of an active cycle is when the sun has a quiet cycle with almost no peak at all.” They say that the last time we experienced a cycle like this it was called ‘The Little Ice Age” (AD 1550-1850) At these peaks in the cycle even quiet cycles the sun emits massive energy and radiation into space. During a Quiet Cycle the suns warmth that it provides to the earth is greatly diminished Global temperatures dropped by 1.8 F  (1C) This means the Freeze zone of the planet would move 350 miles south.

To understand that better during the 16oo’s when this little ice age was going on Trade was brought across the frozen Rio Grande river, citizens of England held huge Ice Fair’s on the frozen river Thames and in New York in 1780 people walked from Manhattan to Staten Island over the frozen New York harbor.

This was not only a time of harsh weather is was a time of crop failure, famine and social unrest.

It is important to also note that the reason we usually do not notice the suns effects on our planet is due to the ocean. The ocean which covers 70% of the planet acts as a barrier for us and stores enormous heat reserves that have a significance on our climate. Think El Nino and hurricanes.

To this day though Solar Scientists are hesitant to give a clear answer. All they will say is that it takes a series of quiet cycles to really start getting serious cold problems and that this is all a new experiment for them. Seeing what this peak in the solar cycle will do to the planet.

What else is going on though? Mayans calculating the movement of Venus, the Moon and the Sun. Solar scientists warning there may be a cold front, the Mayan Calendar counting down the days. What else are small puzzle pieces and where does the supernatural and spiritual come into the picture?

We have all heard the spiritual and supernatural ideas flying about through all of this science. We have heard negative Nancy over there ‘po-pooing’ the Mayans and as usual sticking their head in the sand out of fear and No-Desire to look at this bigger puzzle. Yet, we want to look. You the reader and listener want to know where the puzzle pieces fit, where to look for the meaningful pattern in the silliness. I know, want to know where the puzzle pieces all fit.

We have to look at more science though to eventually find a spiritual/supernatural claim that will jive with it all. A ‘Little Ice Age’ fits with some spiritual/supernatural ideas of the world globally changing but what else is there?

It seems to all lead us to the stars and to humanity it seems.

This ends Part 1.

Space and Time…   Leave a comment

Spirit Chronicles Premieres November 22, 2012


Spirit Chronicles Launches New WordPress site Today!   Leave a comment

Stay Tuned for the latest information, cast and crew bios, and upcoming information about the newest season. Production should begin in the next couple of weeks and photos, video interviews and more will be shown.